A healthy church is a growing church, and we encourage all believers to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The lessons below will help each of us evaluate and determine the condition of our spiritual health. We are to continue to grow in Christ-likeness and it will happen as each one commit to knowing and fulfilling the six imperative acts of the church as shown on our Vision Clock. The six imperative acts of Christ’s church are found in the Great Commandment, Matt. 22:37-47 the Great Commission, Matt. 28:19-20 and the Great Combat, Matt. 16:18.
Imperative Act #1: The Great Commandment — Love the Lord our God with all our heart
(MAGNIFY — 6 o’clock)
Magnification and Worship are words that best describes this imperative act. We are commanded to love God with all our hearts, and that love is expressed as we magnify and worship him.
Imperative Act #2: The Great Combat — Prevailing against the gates of hell
(MILITANT– 6 o’clock)
Warfare is the one word that best describes this imperative act. We are to prevail against the gates of hell (Satan, the Devil) and win. Therefore, the church exists to wage war as a militant army against Satan and all of his cohorts. We are the obedient children of God and seek to worship him in spirit and in truth.
Imperative Act #3: The Great Commission–Baptize them
(MEMBERS—9 o’clock)
Fellowship is the one word that describes this purpose. In the Greek text of the Great Commission, there are three present participles verbs: going, baptizing, and teaching. Each of these is part of the command to “make disciples.” Going, baptizing and teaching are the essential elements of the disciple making process.
Baptism is a symbol of fellowship visualizing a person’s incorporation into the body of Christ. When new believers are baptized, it proves that they are not only believe but they belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, through baptism, we welcome them into the fellowship of the family of God. True fellowship is best maintained through committed membership with a local church family.
Imperative Act #4: The Great Commission — Teaching them to obey
(MATURITY — 12 o’clock)
Discipleship is the one word that describes this imperative act. Therefore, the church exists to edify, or educate, God’s people to advance to maturity.
Imperative Act #5: The Great Commandment –Love your neighbor as yourself
(MINISTRY — Hand Shaft)
Ministry is the one word that best describes this imperative act. Therefore, the church exists to serve people through the love of Christ which is our ministry. We demonstrate God’s love to others by meeting their needs and healing their hurts in the name of Jesus.
Imperative Act #6 The Great Commission — Go and make disciples
(MISSIONS –3 o’clock)
Evangelism is the one word that best describes this imperative act. Therefore, the church exists to communicate God’s Word as ambassadors for Christ. Our mission is to evangelize the world, which means to make disciples or learners of others. The word go in the Great Commission is a present participle in the Greek text. It should read, “As you are going.” It is our Christian responsibility to share the good news wherever we go.